Hi Sam,Welcome to my web site.You won't be able to check out my sponsors but my funky cousin's linked out of "personal". Sorry it's been so hard to call back, Sam. I was in Dumfries for 10 this morning and London for 10.30 last Wednesday and if there's anything you want to know about Dorset or Devon then give me a shout! How 's it going? Drop a line. Robbie was saying that the talk in Dunoon(?) went well. But you've got another presentation you're working on, no? And your family's not coming up, or were you just sying that to Robbie? As ever, I'm thinking of a visit to the old city on the swamp some time soon; want to see DT. Jacky was up this weekend which was good, although the PhD is beginning to bite and she's feeling very isolated at the moment with Sean and her best friend gone and no real classes, moving from anonymous desk to desk. So, let me know how you're doing soooon |