Hi Jacky

Hey just a super quick hello as it'sway passt my bedtime. Bit of a strugglr grting to Dumfries ith morning, up at 7.15 I'amfrais. Hope you got back okay. I phoned toonight but that machine cmae on; do you know how to work it? How does one know (not know) that there's amessage? So, good to see you again. I'm sorry that I'm not as good a host as a visitor, but you aleways knwe that. I was a little tired! I've read the job descri[ption, which is a start and I'm thbninking about Nick. I also went toi pay the rtent and did a washing last night ( as well as 175 miles toaday oin country roads so I'm not really slacking.

So. as I say, I'm off to bed. But for now, Goonight and God Bless, eh? What'sClintomn on? You can link to corpwatch from organisations now, let me know wjat it's like if you have time.


love Alan, love the typos