Pronatura claim that a total of 82 species of Birds can be found in Retezat National Park. Of these 11 are reported as breeding, 11 as possibly breeding and 11 as "passage migrants"

The Avifauna of Retezat includes:

Golden eagle(Aquila chrysaetos)
White-headed vulture(Gyps falcus)(Burford, 1993)
Black vulture(Aegypius monachus)(Burford, 1993)
Lesser spotted eagle(Aquila pomarina)
Peregrine(Falco peregrinus)
Capercaillie(Tetrao urogallus)(population min.40)
Eagle owl(Bubo bubo)
Pygmy owl(Glaucidium passerinum)
Tengmalm�s owl(Aegolius funereus)
Grey-headed woodpecker(Picus canus)
Great spotted woodpecker(Dendrocopus major)
Black woodpecker(Dendrocopus martius)
Three-toed woodpecker(Picoides tridactylus)
Red-breasted flycatcher(Ficedula parva)
Collared flycatcher(Ficedula albicolis)
Source: Pronatura, 1995